Sunday, 22 January 2012


Every other weekend, it has become more of a norm these days that streets are crowded with well decorated motorcades, screaming choruses of horns, spiced up with stylish zigzag driving antics for those whose cars are doing their thing in a road that has breathing space to accommodate such pomp.
The banner ‘Just Married’ pasted on the number plates crowns it all and the rest of the jive takes its way to the reception venues which host the wedding xmas of official marriages. The question of whether some of these weddings are fast tracked because one is already half-way to motherhood/fatherhood in that state will be best reserved at this point.
Otherwise, quite a number of marriages start as a big and massive celebration characterised by colourful hopes and ambitious dreams of a long happy life together as one body in the name of husband and wife. 
Now, this ‘husbandry’ and ‘wifery’ is fast becoming a commercial exercise that falls short of love and only capitalises on greed and attainment of status.  The worst culprits in this scam are the youth. 
Fellow youngsters, marriage is a life-long commitment whose expiry is biblically backed by death… ‘til death doth us part’…hence  it has to be treated with the density of seriousness it deserves. It is a fact that the path to a happy and successful is not as easy as saying ‘I-love-you’ and all the lip service.
Marriage is not a short term service, marriage is not fashion. Marriage is a vital and fundamental thing that anchors any social system. 
Marriage rush often times melts the gravity marriage commands. Hate it or love it, marriage is deeply rooted in customs and ideologies of yesterday which we must abide to, failing which all the deliciousness of marriage goes to the dogs.
More of the misery of our generation is caused by our own ignorance about ourselves and not stupidity at large.


  1. I agree brotherman. Our generation think when we spend SIX months in a relationship, characterised by frequent sex, nde kuti basi we were ment to be. Marriage needs understanding each other, knowing each other before life long commitment and contract of marriage. Where are the days and years of courtship?

  2. Mada..thanks a great deal for the feedback. Actually, the way things are right now its like are generation is polluted with so much swag hence dancing wildly to the peer or mass pressure... none of us wants to be original as most of us seem to be in a rush and the end result is that we crash. Keep on reading youth and reality and your input is so welcome
